About Jason

An author, broadcaster and human rights campaigner and award-winning barrister specialising in Family law.

Jason is a barrister at St Ives Chambers in Birmingham; and also has a door tenancy at Fourteen Chambers in London. Jason specialises in all aspect of private law children cases. 

In October 2015, the international publishing house, the Little Brown Book Group published his book (co-written with Her Honour Judge Davies) on children’s law How to Represent Yourself in the Family Court. It was a best-selling in its category. 

Before transferring to the bar, Jason was a solicitor in private practice and for a multinational organisation. He was involved in high profile and complex proceedings 

Jason has also lectured extensively in the UK and internationally. He has advised lawyers about the law, advocacy, negotiation skills and family law. He also speaks regularly on domestic abuse to charities and domestic advise organisations. 

Jason set up a pro bono legal advice centre in London which provided free expert legal, training, research and assistance to clients. 

Jason was the radio lawyer for LBC where listenings would call inn for advice on a multitude of subjects. Such is Jason’s knowledge that he was able to provide helpful, cogent advice on these subjects in a friendly approachable fashion. It is for this reason that he is regularly invited as a guest on radio and television to either provide his opinion on legal matters or current affairs. 

In 2006, Jason was awarded the Law Society’s YSG In House Pro Bono Lawyer of the year 

In 2012 Jason received an MBE from Queen Elizabeth II for his services to pro bono law.

Jason has given after dinner speeches at venues throughout the world, to hundreds of people including to members of the Royal Family. 

Jason writes articles for newspapers, magazines and has interviewed many legal dignitaries, celebrities and indeed public faces.

Jason was shortlisted five times for Barrister of the Year in the Birmingham Law Society Awards and has also been shortlisted for the Barrister of the Year by the Worcestershire Law Society 

Recent Clients

“I am so grateful for your passion, dedication, and professionalism. Thank you so much! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the amazing legal work you did on my behalf.”

“Rest of the Order seems fine – great outcome! Briefly spoke with client – he is thrilled!”

“What a result, as always. As always Jason thank you, the other side was particularly horrible about me and could easily have ruined by reputation by the posts she put on social media and so therefore I am delighted.”