
See below for some recent comments from Jason’s clients and solicitors he has worked with.

“What a result, as always.

 As always Jason thank you, the other side was particularly horrible about me and could easily have ruined by reputation by the posts she put on social media and so therefore I am delighted.”

“When Jason cross-examined my ex, I sat their terrified. Jason is cold, calculating and to the point. He was bloody brilliant. It gave me nightmares, just watching and he was on my side. Just think how my ex felt and he went through it. I absolutely loved it. Thank you so much for recommending him.”

“I am so grateful for your passion, dedication, and professionalism.

Thank you so much! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the amazing legal work you did on my behalf.”

“Many thanks for your help with the client in conference the other day. Appreciated as always.”

“The client was very  pleased with the outcome and indicated that you were ‘excellent’ and said he was grateful that Lauren recommended you.

It is always nice of course to have a satisfied client.”

“I want to thank you for yesterday as you always do the best job.”

“Rest of the Order seems fine – great outcome!

Briefly spoke with client – he is thrilled!”

“The client was delighted with your hard work. A fair outcome too.”

“As per our conversation Mr Hadden was highly recommended from a DV Facebook page for Mothers.”

“Thank you for the draft orders, which are approved and seem absolutely fine, good job!!”

“Brilliant, thank you Jason.

And yes it was an excellent result!”

“I am grateful to you for handling this for the client, and am very pleased with the result, as I am sure he is too.”

“On the phone to Client at the moment and he can’t say anything but nice things about you!! Good job!”